Boss Yourself Around

“In the world of startups, can science, engineering, and methodology be the missing link to success?” This question forms the heart of this compelling text, where the author, a seasoned IT methodology expert and entrepreneur, explores the nexus between structured approaches and entrepreneurial triumph.

Robert V. Connolly

Meet the visionary behind the methodologies, a professional with a wealth of experience gained from 14 years in both large and small companies. His entrepreneurial journey began with “Structured Solutions, Inc.,” a venture that marked the genesis of several successful businesses.

Boss Yourself Around

“In the world of startups, can science, engineering, and methodology be the missing link to success?” This question forms the heart of this compelling text, where the author, a seasoned IT methodology expert and entrepreneur, explores the nexus between structured approaches and entrepreneurial triumph. Against the backdrop of startup failures, where a staggering two out of three businesses meet their demise, the urgency for a systematic approach becomes evident. From dissecting the role of bad timing and inadequate funding to addressing issues of planning and execution,

Coming Soon

Red Martini

Sean O’Neal reflects on the state of the American business after exiting the corporate world with a “lifetime” of experiences. He’s witnessed life being sapped from the worker, their families, the environment, and the planet. Sean observes how with each passing day, Respect for humanity and business ethics have been lost by the few who control the reins. They hold the planet hostage to the almighty dollar and , their almighty egos. Close business friends feel as O’Neal does, as they have also, they too have experienced the same phenomenon.

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